Our bags use a highly durable fabric known as EVA
and advanced magnetic snaps to replace the traditional snaps and Velcro on our trays.
Please call us to learn more about our different product lines.
Order today and see what our customers are talking about!
New 4-Wheel Spinners! 
Our latest Easy-to-Travel with 4 wheels system bags.
Now, sales representatives can travel with ease and save energy on the go.
EVA - Environmentally Friendly Display Case material
EVA is an ideal material for case construction because it is essentially non-breakable, highly scratch-resistant, and durable.
At the same time it is soft and flexible, even at very low temperatures. The manufacturing of EVA is also environmentally friendly.
It is produced pollution-free, with no toxic atmospheric emissions, no effluent wastes, no DOP, no ODS, and no foul odors.
Magnetic Snap trays!
We have marketed and tested these Magnetic Snap display trays for several years with great success. Please ask to learn more about our magnetic snap trays!
• A lightweight and elegant design
• Easy open and close lids
• Closes snug and secure